We provide service of dispensing and cooling equipment throughout the Czech Republic.

The company THERMOTECHNIKA BOHEMIA Ltd. possesses a wide network of subsidiary stations
to provide you complete services all over the Czech Republic.

Our service technicians carry out repairing dispense equipment, guarantee and post-guarantee service, regular sanitary work
as well as they provide the running of promo actions (mounting, demounting, emergency service).

Find the service branch closest to you.




The central warehouse in the Czech Republic is at our central office in Újezd u Brna, where you can pick up all products.

Address: Komenského 951, Újezd u Brna 664 53
Tel.: +420 544 229 478
E-mail:  obchod@tcbohemia.com

The central warehouse of our TC Group is in Hungary, Budapest - Dunaharaszti.


Prices mentioned on this website are without transport cost. You can pick all the assortment up at our central office in Újezd u Brna. When transporting to the customer's addresses, we cooperate with external transport companies. Prices of transport depend on the current price list of given transport company. To know the exact amount of quoted price, do not hesitate to contact us with the demand on obchod@tcbohemia.com.

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